School Problems

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • Inconsistent classroom work
  • Refusal to do homework
  • Poor performance on tests
  • Reading, math, speech & language problems
  • ADD / Dyslexia / Hyperactivity
  • Poor efficiency & time management
  • Disorganized
  • Negative attitude
  • Drop out


For children who struggle in school because of learning differences, specific problems can be difficult to pinpoint, and the long-term effects hard to predict.  What we do know is learning disabilities and undesirable behaviors get worse each year.

Labeling a child ADD, ADHD or Dyslexic doesn’t help us know the cause of learning or school problems.

Assessment and Customized Learning Plan

I use methods from a variety of sources and created a program to develop learning abilities in children and teens.

Assessment:  Identifies strengths and any undeveloped abilities necessary for learning.

Developmental Training Program:  Customized to the unique profile of your student instead of a “one size fits all” approach.

Additional Training:

  • The Listening Program, Advanced Brain Technologies
  • Clinician Training, All Kinds of Minds, University of North Carolina
  • Balametrics Learning Breakthrough Program of Perceptual Motor and Visual Perception
  • SOI Systems, Methods of Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment of Learning Abilities and Customizing Specific Learning Plans
  • Davis Dyslexia Center, Methods for Correcting Dyslexia and Problems with Reading, Math, Attention Focus (ADHD) and Coordination